About Us

Established in 2013, Little & Loved stock a beautifully curated range of the most loved baby and children’s brands on the planet!
We do the research, test the products and do extensive checks into each and every brand we align with.
Our customers can be confident that each item we stock exists to make their life as effortless as possible.

Some words from founder, Zoë
Little & Loved began after having my second child, while on maternity leave from the corporate world. I’d been in key account management roles for a decade and was looking for something, which between playdates, coffee groups and raising children, allowed me to be more creative.
So it began, in 2013, from our tiny two bedroom apartment in Auckland City, a custom made shelving unit and stock stacked to the ceiling - we launched Little & Loved with under 50 products.
A few years on, we left Auckland to live by the sea. The Northland lifestyle, with an abundance of local produce and Ben's love for rock fishing allows us to live the sustainable lifestyle we’re passionate about.
Today, in our tenth year of business we have a home based office and warehousing in New Lynn, Auckland. Our loyal customers, many who have been here since day one, inspire us to source products that they'll still love in years to come, while providing a service that’s incredibly efficient.
Thank-you for being here!