This uniquely illustrated, quirky biography of Audrey Hepburn is the next instalment of the Little People, Big Dreams series. Learn the life of this incredible actress, dancer, and UNICEF ambassador!
In the Little People, Big Dreams series, discover the lives of outstanding people from designers and artists to scientists. All of them went on to achieve incredible things, yet all of them began life as a little child with a dream. This book follows the life of Audrey Hepburn, from her early life during World War Two, to ballet school, her acting career and UNICEF work. This inspiring and informative little biography comes with extra facts about Audrey's life at the back.
This book follows the life of Audrey Hepburn from her early life during World War Two, through ballet school, into her acting career, and UNICEF work. This inspiring and informative little biography comes with extra facts about Audrey's life at the back.
Isabel Sanchez Vegara, Illustrated by Amaia Arrazola
ISABEL SANCHEZ VERGARA, born in Barcelona, Spain, is a writer and creative director in constant search of new concepts for children's books. Working for more than fifteen years for clients in top advertising agencies, her books combine creativity with learning, aiming to establish a new and fresh relationship between children and pop culture.
AMAIA ARRAZOLA lives in Barcelona. She started her professional career in the advertising world, working at McCan Erickson Madrid, before pursuing her career in illustration. She loves typography, ceramics, embroidery and graphic design.
Category: Children's non-fiction
ISBN: 9781786030528
Publisher: Quarto UK
Imprint: Frances Lincoln Children's
Pub Date: August 2017
Page Extent: 32
Format: Hard Cover
Age: 5 - 8
Subject: Children's non-fiction